Bastora Renovation

Bastora Renovation

Bastora Renovation

Typology: Residential

Location: Bastora, Goa

Status: Completed

This house when purchased by the Client was modified by the previous owner with no concern to the original design and architecture seen in many old Goan homes. Located in this sleepy village of Bastora abound with many small mangalore tiled village homes, the house felt out of place with all the tasteless modifications it had undergone. As a responsible architecture firm, we had to save this home. While the young clients lead a modern lifestyle, we had to convince them to save the exterior and bring back the charm of the design of the bygone era. A careful understanding of the Goan Portuguese architecture, colour schemes, led us to design every exterior element – plaster bands, compound walls, roof overhangs, etc. Alongside, the interiors were designed reflecting the modern lifestyle and needs of the client. With no structural changes, the small size bedrooms had to be designed with low beds to increase the perceived space.  Working on this project has strengthened our resolve towards maintaining and reviving the local fabric and character of Goa through architecture.